Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It has been relatively quiet. The weather has moderated a bit and it's nice to get a few extra minutes of day light at the end of the day. We were able to rework the fence wiring so that the lower wire will only be hot when we switch it on. It has raised the charge considerably in the other three wires.

Things are quiet at the diner. Everyone was kind of waiting for the inauguration to be over. The whole presidential election process seems to have been going on forever. Consensus was that it would be better to have a lot fewer inauguration galas and get to work on fixing the various problems facing the country. The rumoured $150 million to inaugurate a president in a democracy seems unconscionable.

We had our visitors from Massachusetts today. They seemed to like our operation and are trying to figure out how to integrate some lowlines or belties or maybe some of each with their dexters. We appreciate them taking the time to drive over to view our farm and animals.

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