Saturday, October 31, 2009

The weather has continued to be wet and dreary. Not harvesting weather. We got the soybean yield results from our first field and were pleased. It's about fifty percent higher than the county average. The problem is that beans are worthless in the field and it's too wet to get them. We are getting anxious about those remaining to be combined.

The corn moisture is still very high so there will be no thought of combining it for a while. With the low prices available for corn, the cost of artificially drying it is unaffordable.

The cattle continue to do well. The calves are growing and well past weaning.

Mary and I took a day off Friday to go wine touring. For many years, we have gone with the same friends to visit some of the vineyards that abound near us. In the past, we have always gone on a Saturday. There is some difference on a week day. Yesterday, the wineries were very quiet and we had a chance to visit with the owners and ask questions. This compares with the weekend buses and stretch limos. Quite a large portion of the weekend clientele are there for a moving party rather than to enjoy wine.

We will be up early tomorrow for chores. After church, we'll go to the monthly pancake breakfast at the American Legion. This is a real pleasant opportunity to visit with friends and neighbors while eating pancakes with real from a tree maple syrup.

Since Tuesday is election day, there will be the usual crop of folks from outside the area running for some type of judge that we know very little about. It seems that their term is 10 years so they appear lperiodically ike some version of a locust. They don't eat much though as they table hop and exhort us to vote for them. It is very pleasant but bewildering since they are not local offices and we really don't tend to have much interaction with remote judges.

After that, we will load the calves and head for Minnesota. Since a lot of my blog seems like some version of Garrison Keillor, it seems fitting to take it on the roads to Minnesota. I don't know where Lake Woebegone is but we'll be about two hours north of the Twin Cities.

The diner has been very quiet lately. Probably the poor weather has dulled the conversation. One thing is for certain, the regulars don't think much of the new government health proposals or the politicians proposing them. It didn't take much effort today to decide we'd be better off to throw out the whole bunch and elect a new crop. The bad part was we all agreed that it wouldn't take long for even the most idealistic to become as corrupt and inept as the incumbents.

One of our regulars has a new business venture. He has started a restaurant. We all are instant experts and offer him lots of unsolicited tips. The bottom line is that we all wish him well and hope it becomes a great success.

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