Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Things have calmed down a bit so I thought I'd write a little. Last Friday, I flew to Nashville and Eileen picked me up at the airport. She had just finished her fall semester and was heading home with the car. She won't be using the car next semester as she will be studying in Aix-en-Provence, France.

We drove to Dayton, Ohio where we met Jim. He likewise had finished his semester and caught a ten hour ride from Ames to Dayton with a friend. We picked him up and spent the night in Dayton.

Saturday was pretty much an all day ride home in dreary conditions. Thankfully, we missed the big blizzard which was occurring simultaneously just to our east. Everyone was glad to be home.

The cattle continue to be content. We had a bit of a problem today when one of our waterers froze. We got the bulls a temporary supply and we'll fix their system tomorrow.

Things have been a bit livelier at the diner as some of the regulars get in their last licks before they leaver for a warmer climate.

I've mentioned that one of the diner regulars had opened a restaurant just up the lake. He has had to close it since New York State doesn't seem to be able to get around and do the paperwork necessary for him to get a liquor license. You constantly see the smug politicians on television patting themselves on the back for creating jobs. Here is a man that actually created a bunch of jobs and now has to lay off these people because government can't do its job.

We also have a bit of a mystery. Last year I built a gravel road through our barnyard to connect the two fire lanes that are part of the farm. Kiddingly, we've called it Begley Boulevard. When we picked up our mail yesterday, there was a long skinny package. Amazingly, it contained two very official Begley Blvd. street signs ands mounting hardware. We put them up today and they certainly look very official. I have no idea who sent them but thanks whomever you may be.

Speaking of putting up, when the morning sun shines it blasts right through the diner window and hits some of the regulars right at eye level. Our complaints weren't taken too seriously so yesterday one of the regulars hung an old beach towel in the window. When I got there today, the diner owner had bought a venetian blind and the regulars were busy installing it. Of course, the sun didn't shine today. hopefully, it will shine soon so we can all luxuriate in the newly manufactured shade.

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