Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We had had only two inches of snow or so for the entire month of February through Wednesday. It all changed on Thursday with a major lake effect storm. We received a good eighteen inches or so. I had to get out and plow three times in two days.

As usual, the cattle were oblivious to the whole thing. They just continue on with their daily wants of hay and water. I don't imagine a cow has much of an ability to look wistfully forward to the green grass months. We did our chores as usual and all was good.

It is interesting how the temperature can now be warmer than January but you feel colder. It must have something to do with anticipation or the height of the sun or some other phenomenon.

Saturday we went off to the dumpster at the Town Barn to get rid of our waste agricultural plastic bags. It was interesting to note that some outlying counties have a system to retrieve the material at the farm and bring it to a facility in our county 15 miles from here. Due to the normal Byzantine rules of bureaucracy, ours goes to the dump probably because we are too near to a recycling facility.

Sunday, we sold some cattle to the folks that have come by from time to time. They will be taking two heifers fairly soon. the other two are calves that will wait until they are weaned later this spring.

Nothing new on the shovel throwing incident. All appears calm and serene on that front. As the road's homeland security director during the winter, I am looking carefully for any strange vehicles or similar signs. I have seen none.

The diner crowd is biding their time waiting for Spring. This morning one of the regulars was fascinated to discover that his cell phone could be set to vibrate when called. This is the same fella that fell out of his canoe in his garage. It shows that technology hasn't quite overtaken our world just yet.

Jim and I are in need of a haircut. Hopefully we will soon be able to catch up with the only local businessman who stands behind his work.

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