Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sunday was quite a cold and snowy day. A weather front blew through around 9AM and the temperature dropped sharply and lake effect snow set in. After church, we went to the American Legion monthly pancake breakfast. You can't beat the food with real maple syrup. We always get to see lots of friends and neighbors. The politicians have mostly faded away for another year although a few continue to come because they seem to like the food.

Chores are pretty routine by now and the animals have become accustomed to the weather and they have developed new routines to deal with it. It is always interesting to see how they prefer to remain outside even though they have ready access to shelter.

By Sunday evening, I thought I had better plow the road. We don't notice the wind too much by the lake as we are sheltered by a hill to the west. It must have blown pretty hard up on the roads because there were pretty good sized drifts and patches of windblown bare road.

Monday morning was quite cold but everything worked including the troublesome yard hydrant. A friend stopped by and we went off and ran some errands. I had to go to the bank and he wanted to check out a tractor battery. When we got back, I fluffed up the cattle bedding and everything was fine.

Monday evening, I had my monthly County Fire Board meeting. I enjoy the meeting and going out afterwards with colleagues for typically some chicken wings. It was still cold and windy when I got home.

I was surprised to wake up Tuesday to a few inches of snow and a little ice. The local school was running a two hour delay. That didn't do much for Jim as his school was on time and he had to be here. He said the roads weren't too bad.

Tuesday afternoon, we brought out the bale processor and built up the cattle mounds and cleaned the pens. I had to go to the city again to give a report to the County Legislature on our Fire Boards activities. That was early and I was able to get back in time for the regular monthly meeting of the local fire department.

There was an email from the Weather Bureau when I got home advising that we might have a good storm Thursday. We'll see. I think it is better to wake up in the morning and deal with the weather at hand rather than have a several day build up for a storm that may or may not happen. Every time they give early warnings, the grocery stores get mobbed and everybody goes into a panic shopping mode.

Still not much good to be said by the diner crew about all the government bailouts.

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