Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The dingy weather continued today. We are located just south of Lake Ontario. This time of year, the lake is relatively warmer than the air. When the wind blows over it, it picks up moisture which drops out over the land. Now it's rain, later it's snow and lots of it.

Jim had a day off from school for Veteran's day. When I was in school, it was called Armistice Day. My father was a World War II veteran so we always celebrated the day. It was also my aunt's birthday 11/11.

We went and looked at some concrete bunk feeders. We found a good bargain and ordered some. We'll get them next week. We stopped at the Walmart of the farm world to see about having some feed through panels made so we can attach them to the bunks.

Soybean prices took a good sized drop today. We're going to continue to store ours and hope the price goes up.

In the afternoon, we finished weaning the calves at the farm today. We are doing something similar to fence line weaning. The calves are in pens and their mothers are free to come and go in the barnyard. The theory is that it is less stressful for both if they can see and smell each other. It doesn't seem to cut down the noise as the calves are bawling for their mothers as usual. It should quiet down in a day or two.

Cattle sales are picking up. We have a man coming next week who has a serious interest in a bull. We also spoke to another man that is interested in a few young cows and heifer calves.

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