Saturday, November 29, 2008

Friday was a busy day. Jim and I got an early start and went up to the village. The usual crowd was in the diner. The topic of discussion was whether the school board really feels that their proposed modernization will be accomplished without cost to the taxpayer as they indicate on the expensive brochure they've mailed to every resident. Consensus was that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

We went back to the farm and hooked up the cattle trailer. Rochester walked right in and, after a few safety checks, we were off to Pennsylvania. Fortunately we had enough diesel to reach Pennsylvania since fuel is always cheaper there. It was $3.35 here and $2.66 in PA.

We used the GPS to route us to our destination. There were no problems and the farmer was waiting. Rochester walked off the trailer into his new home like he was at home.

It is a very nice farm on top of a hill. They have excellent cattle and I'm sure Rochester will do his best to increase the size of the herd.

We came back by a different route suggested by the GPS. We were glad that we didn't bring the bull that way as he would likely have become trailer sick.

There was some very slippery snow first thing Saturday. We had a rescue call for a car overturned up on the main road. Hopefully, the drivers injuries weren't very serious. After the call, I came back to the farm. Jim and I took our weekly load of baleage wrap to the town dumpster. It is amazing how a roll of plastic wrap 12 inches in diameter by three feet long turns into a full truck load of trash each week.

We blew bedding materials into the pens and took care of our usual chores. The weather cleared up and it was a fairly decent 36 degrees and cloudy,

Verne came over and we loaded his bull Natemin for the trip from our place back to Verne's. Nate will now do clean up duty on his home farm. This is not exactly the same as in baseball where they have a cleanup hitter.

After dropping Nate, we loaded one of our cows. It took quite a while as she really didn't want to go into the trailer. We wanted to get her back here as she is due within a few weeks. We also loaded another of Verne's yearling bulls for the trip to our farm.

They were very cooperative on this end which was good because we were on a tight schedule. Jim is an Eagle Scout and knows two young men from the southern part of the County who are being inducted as Eagles tonight. Another of Jim's friends is also an Eagle and he drove Jim to the ceremony. A very nice part of the Eagle ceremony is when any Eagle Scouts in the audience are asked to stand and join in. At Jim's ceremony, several of his guests were Eagles from years past.

Mary and I expect to have a quiet evening. Eileen is out doing last minute visiting with friends before she flies back to Nashville tomorrow evening.

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