Thursday, November 20, 2008

Winter like conditions continued with no respite in sight. Tomorrow's forecast is for considerable snow. I mounted the snow plow on the 6415 so we're ready for heavy weather if we get it.

I usually check the animals first thing in the morning and then head up to the Village Diner. There is a group that has been meeting over breakfast for years. We manage to discuss all matters of importance ranging from local to global. I'm sure that there are similar groups in every small town in America. It's strange when you consider that we feel that our solutions to a problem are practical and almost always different from those posed by the politicians.

During winter things slow down. The main project is to get the animals fed and check that the water hasn't frozen. We're just about finished moving the baleage over from Fire Lane 11. This is deer season and there are lots of hunters around.

The vet came after lunch to check Rochester's TB test. He passed. We expect to get the Brucellosis test results tomorrow. So, hopefully, we'll have the health papers by the first of the week. It looks like we are about 4 plus hours from his new home. While he was here he preg checked a few cows. We have had one cow that has failed to settle for some time. She was in heat yesterday and Remote Control worked diligently to insure that she gets pregnant. The vet checked her and couldn't find any apparent internal problems. We'll watch her carefully to see if she cycles again in three weeks. If she does, she might be facing a future in the food industry.

Our neighbor continues to work with the pet steer. She has him wearing a halter again. He is literally head and shoulders over the others. They eat through the spaces in the sides of the feeder and he eats over the top. I'll try to get a picture of him posted.

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