Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday was off to a cold start. We had another four inches of snow and we wanted to plow the road so the neighbors wouldn't have any trouble. Being it was Sunday, a lot of summer camp owners come out to check their camps. A few of them sometimes don't realize that our dirt road drives a little differently in winter. I plowed and Jim did chores. We don't have a sander to deal with ice and slippery conditions. So, we have to think ahead before we plow. Sometimes it's better to leave the snow to get rutted for a little traction if we expect icing.

The sun came out after lunch and the snow on the road pretty much melted away. I was able to get the long promised picture of Peter our tame steer. We weighed him the other day and he is finally starting to do something other than get taller. He's up to 1015 pounds. We think he is about 15 months old.
We went off to the airport get Eileen later in the afternoon, had her hoped for Chinese meal and were home by 7:30. She seems happy to be back but college certainly seems to agree with her.

I had to take Jim to school this morning since Eileen needed the car for errands and catching up with friends. It was a lot warmer this morning when I got back which makes chores a lot easier. After a lot of vacillating, I sold our soybeans today. The price was up a bit and you really wonder where the economy is headed. So I went on the bird in the hand theory.

I had an unexpected email from a friend this morning. He said he was watching TV and there I was. The show was about a murder that took place in our County in the early 90's. One of my positions back then was as a County Fire Investigator. The victim was found near the ruins of her burnt out home. It didn't bring back fond memories. I remember how sad we were at the terrible end that befell the victim.
A light, wet snow started at supper time. This is a storm as compared to Lake Effect. It looks like we're on the periphery so it shouldn't be too much bother. Eileen still has the car so Jim took my truck to his Order of the Arrow meeting. It's an organization within the Boy Scouts.

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